Saturday, August 13, 2016

Zodiacal Angels Presentation at Leaping Laughter Lodge

Cross-posted from my author website

Next Saturday, August 20th, I will be giving a presentation on zodiacal angels at Leaping Laughter Lodge in Minneapolis. The presentation will be a distillation of the material found in my Evoking Zodiacal Angels article, published in the new Liber Spirituum anthology from Azoth Press.

Much has been published on the angels and other entities related to the planets and elements, but far less is available for working with the angels of the zodiac. However, the zodiacal forces represent 12 of the 24 sets of key scale values found in Liber 777 and correspond to many useful practical powers.

This presentation will discuss how to conjure these angels, according to the methods that I have used over the years that have yielded good results. If you are local or will be in the Twin Cities next weekend, I invite you to stop by the lodge and check it out.

Leaping Laughter Lodge is located at 3107 NE California St, Minneapolis, MN 55418. The presentation will begin at 7 PM. For those who are not local, I will do my best to post the text of the presentation here on Augoeides the following Monday.

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